Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Games

The three main games will vary each night. Playing three standard games of bingo can get boring, so this helps keep it more interesting. Each of these games will consist of 4 different boards on one single sheet. You win if you get the specific bingo on any of the four boards on that game's sheet. The games could include; double bingo, outside frame, crazy T, Z, X, H, or I

  • Double bingo consists of any two standard bingos; this could be any five spots horizontal, five spots vertical, or five spots diagonal. 
  • Outside frame consists of all the sixteen outside numbers on a board. The inside free space and the eight inside numbers touching it, do not count. 
  • For Crazy T, Z, X, H, or I, you must cover spots on the board to make that uppercase letter. The letter can be flipped in any direction, but must go across the entire board. This means each side of the letter must be five spots long; either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. 

The jackpot game is the most exciting one, but also the longest. This game also consists of four different boards on a single sheet. You must cover EVERY spot on one of the boards. The first week she will call 57 numbers, there are only 75 total numbers in a game of bingo. If you cover all your spaces within those 57 numbers, you win! If no one calls bingo within the 57 numbers, everyone keeps playing for a smaller prize. Each week that someone does not call bingo within the set numbers, she will call two additional numbers the following week. So if there was no jackpot winner during week one, she would call out 59 numbers the following week. If there was no jackpot winner that following week, she would call 61 numbers the week after, and so on. Once someone wins within the set number, she will start back over, calling 57 numbers again the next week.

The speed-round game is the last game. This is a single board on a smaller sheet. She does not call the letters, and she does not repeat her numbers. It is very quick! You play for a standard bingo; five spots vertical, five spots horizontal, or five spots diagonal. 

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