The woman who hosts bar bingo goes by
Mama and the name definitely fits! She is one of the kindest women you will ever meet. She has many stories and never lets things get boring. She is not afraid to get loud or say what is on her mind. She gets to know everyone who attends her bingo events, especially if they are a regular.
Mama hosts bar bingo at several different locations, Monday through Thursday.
It is free to play! Her games start from 7pm to 8pm, depending on where you are playing. So check out the times and grab your bingo card by the time it starts! She will allow a grace period during the first game, in case you are running late. She does get slightly annoyed by this, so try to be on time!
Each night she starts by playing
three main games, followed by a
jackpot game. She then ends the night with one
speed-round game.
In between each game she will ask someone to play two songs on the juke box. This allows everyone a small break to use the restroom and get something to eat or drink. These breaks also help prevent the time from flying by. I play every Wednesday, with a group of some of my best friends, at Main Street Bar and Grill. This is the one day, each week, that we are actually able to get together, catch up, and have some fun. We are always sad to see the night end, so these breaks help keep the night going on a little longer. Plus, everyone loves music!

She will explain the rules with further detail before each game. She will make sure you understand how to play and provide a "cheat sheet", if you want one. The "cheat sheet" has a list of all the types of bingo, and what the winning game for each of them looks like. She will provide a separate playing sheet for each game, totaling up to five sheets. She also provides daubers (the markers used to mark the number spots on your card). Sometimes, she will have daubers for sale, they only cost $1 or $2. I have seven of my own personal daubers, so I can have a variety of colors to choose from. She will also repeat the letters and numbers she calls, in case you do not hear her the first time. I have a hard time hearing the difference between some numbers, such as 35 and 45. She will help you figure out which one she called if you have any problems.